There are not a lot of pictures of me on this website, except for me at 19 as a dancer, and me as a child. Here are a few more to help you get a better sense of who I am.

This is a picture of me at 41 years old while living in Boston and working at MIT. This was taken by my boyfriend.
If you are very patient (this is a big download) you can watch me at age 40 giving my Everhart Lecture at Caltech. You will need to look at my powerpoint slides separately while you watch. I spent over a hundred hours making the animations in the slide show. This lecture used to be available for viewing online – with some of my slides shown simultaneously with the lecture, but Caltech has recently removed all their online talks from their website.
See poster here. See slideshow here. Watch lecture here. Requires RealPlayer, a free download.
Copyright 2012 by Melinda Jane Kellogg; All Rights Reserved